Paramedic to RN
Emergency Health Sciences
Criminal Justice
And more�
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Pass CLEP, DSST, or ECE exams to earn college credit without sitting in class.
3800 colleges give credit for passing scores on CLEP, DSST or Excelsior exams.
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- To get more information about how it works�
Paramedics - Earn your RN degree online through Excelsior College.
Find out more here...
Get your online degree in Emergency Health Science through the
University of Texas Health Science Center using credit by exam. Texas Core Curriculum
requirements can be earned with DSST or CLEP.
Find out more here... is Endorsed by Prometric � Developer and Administrator of DSST
Study At Your Own Pace in Your Own Space
No stuffy classrooms. We provide all the assistance you need to pass tests en route to your degree. Look here
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